Wednesday, February 6, 2019

MENAPAY Optional Traditional Payment Solutions

Optional payment is a unique application and process of payment method An alternative payment method that is used as a large tradisonal.Sebagian money option or a discussion of the local economy has been especially developed in electronic commerce and payment systems, generally supported and banks are run alternate payment methods in lokal.Setiap Referral Settlement, Language and Currency Support and Domestic Terms and Conditions According to

A debit card is also known as a check card or bank card is traditionally a plastic card purchasing pembelian.Kartu is an alternative payment method available to its capital when making the issuer and cardholder provide a cash option while taking a contract which is the cost of the account bills That will be given in full and maturity date.

MenaPay is the first block-based payment gateway that is fully supported in the Middle East and Afrika.MenaPay replaces the cryptocurrency traditional payment methods that are fully supported by blockchain.Visi MenaPay which will enable the integration of web site and mobile-based applications into a variety of secret payment solutions. And supports Arabic at the dashboard.

New payment solutions such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency aim to change this' status because they are expensive and include cost of substantial transactions and paying your groceries, paying other services available in hari.MenaPay is not worth the money 100% Using a non-bank Islamic Digital Solution, one day to use for day-to-day and cross-border transactions Use blokacayana to create not, https: //

We create a new industry standard crypto for users, participating outside regular promotions to investors.

- P2P behavior
-P2M merchant payment peer
-Mirchant M2F to Foundation
-Green Mining

In a development for the implementation of this program, there is a rapid growth that has accelerated the progress of the technology of North and East African region and the entire ecosystem Blockchain, the construction of some of the most central dunia.Timur and North Africa region tengah.Dengan has remained so far away from the blockchain. Banking infrastructure developed under the Islamic Sharia law which prohibits the increase of interest in Wilayah pinjaman.Akibatnya It is, GCC region represents 1% of total assets, or a Sharia-compliant financial institutions dunia.Wilayah break even with different currencies is a very political system has imposed a ban on all single market in the EU territory.






author      : mckjaman

ETH addres: 0xeb079f5dfb8DEddBb3b19569ce16322b78CF9663

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